"He who does not know can know from learning."

About Us

Founded in 2012, the ETP Foundation is a public charity trust that helps to raise funds and increase philanthropic support for education technology and performance in schools and advocates the use of effective technology in education. The foundation receives donations from individuals, companies, and other foundations to benefit public and private schools; manages its endowed gift funds and other private assets; and advises community leaders in areas related to public trust and support of education. The endowed funds it manages provide faculty, student and program support in perpetuity.

Role of ETP Foundation

The foundation plays a vital role in generating much-needed private support for schools. While states provide critical core support to schools, philanthropic support is essential to maintain our margin of excellence in all areas of education and research. The grants that schools receive through the ETP Foundation make a tremendous impact on the students, faculty, and schools. The ETP Foundation gratefully accepts gifts that foster educational excellence and helps to ensure that those gifts present even greater opportunities for the schools.

The State of Education in the US

According to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) conducted by the Office for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the United States ranks 14th in reading, 25th in math, and 17th in science. The data from the National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) shows that there has been no educational progress in reading in the last 20 and the range for non-proficient readers is 60-80 percent. Math scores are not much better ranging from 40-75 percent non-proficiency. This is a national travesty.

If the United States is to successfully compete in the world economy, it needs an educated workforce proficient in reading, math, science, engineering, and technology.

Education Technology Focus

The ETP Foundation focuses on providing grants for effective education technologies to schools to improve the learning performance of all students. The current technology focus is on reading applications, math applications, one-to-one tablet programs, classroom collaboration applications, student response applications, and wireless communications infrastructure to better equip our schools and produce students who are prepared with skills for the 21st century.

You Can Make a Difference

All gifts are processed through the ETP Foundation Trust. Giving opportunities on the www.ETPFoundation.org web site are administered via the ETP Foundation Trust.

To make a donation or request more information, please contact:

Bridget R. Yeakle
Founder & Chairman

ETP Foundation
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420